HHH has a waiting list for all our Junior age groups.  We apologise to parents who would dearly like their enthusiastic and talented children to join our club as soon as possible, however we are limited as to how many children we can take at any one time. We know our waiting list is long and joining times are longer than parents would wish.  We have also introduced a policy of not accepting children on to our waiting list until they are 8 years old since we do not take children under 9 years old.

We have two major constraints.  Firstly all our coaches are volunteers and we need to comply with supervisory ratio guidance published by England Athletics.  Secondly, we only have a limited amount of space, particularly in winter, when we run three 1 hour sessions for children on Tuesday evenings.  With more qualified coaches and volunteer coach assistants or parent helpers we could evaluate additional evenings, at present such resources are not available.

If you would like your son or daughter to join our waiting list please complete the form below.  note items marked with a * are obligatory.

  • Date of Birth:
  • Interest (note we do not encourage specialisation too early):
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