
On Tuesday evenings the club has a coached session led by a team of dedicated volunteer coaches and assistants.  

Tuesday Training: Warden Park Academy (Winter) & Whitemans Green (Summer)

Junior Ennis (school years 5 & 6) 5pm to 6pm

Junior Farah (school years 7 & 8) 6pm to 7pm

Intermediates (school years 9 & 10) 7pm to 8.15pm

More info about young athletes here

Adults 7pm till 8.30pm ..ish. More info here

If you are interested, come and meet us or email: [email protected] 

Thursday 'social' runs for all....If interested in joining in ask at tuesday training to be added to the appropriate email list.

For anyone on facebook, this is the link to the HHH group

Endurance Running Group - Adults

The Tuesday coached session includes a warm up with dynamic stretching followed by some of ....variable pace work, hills, interval training , sprints, technique etc.  Everyone can train at their own pace so the session is suitable for all standard of runners. We often offer a choice of 2 different sessions.

Martin Delbridge our endurance coach has prepared a fantasic informative document about endurance running. It's too good to precis in one page so please download here and enjoy!

Martin heads a small team of coaches and assistant coaches who share the coaching load.

Adults Track and Field

At the Tuesday club session we also cater for Senior and Vet sprinters, jumpers and throwers

The sprints session is led by Bob Ruff, our senior sprints coach and includes a warm up with dynamic stretching and drills followed by a specific sprint session.  His sessions cater for all abilities and are tailored to the individuals needs.

Juniors and Intermediates

For our young athletes we have taken on 'Athletics 365' which is new coaching initiative and will be delivering it to the club athletes.

Athletics 365 has been brought in by UK Athletics (UKA). They believe that effective and consistent delivery of this scheme, as part of a structured club development programme, will support the attainment of competency in the foundation skills of athletics in young athletes. This, in turn, will then hopefully support their goal of achieving success as a sport at a high level and producing a new generation of athletes. If you want to read more click here.